Would YOU, or someone you know, like to
SEE the World in Summer 2024?
Rotary District 7210’s
Short term exchange program may be what you’re looking for!
Summer Exchange Experience (SEE)
* Family to Family exchange: 3-4 weeks abroad living with a “host family”, plus 3-4 weeks hosting your “sibling” from abroad here in your Hudson Valley home.• SEE’s purpose is to promote international peace, goodwill and understanding through cultural exchange. You are our Ambassador!
• Successful country choices have included Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Germany. Matches possible elsewhere in Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia.
• Applicants must be in grades 9-11 during the school year before the summer of travel, must have all vaccinations--no exemptions. Matches based on participant age, gender, country preferences & interests.
• Rotary or Interact families preferred, but not required.
• You must be sponsored by a Rotary Club serving the area where you live. Ask us if you don’t know what club serves your area or how to reach them. Applicants are strongly encouraged to notify their local Rotary Club of their interest as soon as possible.
• All costs are paid by participants, including airfare, spending money, optional host gifts, and costs of hosting/entertaining your “sibling” from abroad here at your home. There is also a Rotary fee of $500--for insurance, orientation, and exchange program administration ($175 at District interview; $325 at time of match).
• Applicant/Parent responsibilities include application, interview, coordination with local Rotary Club, Passport/Visas, hosting & entertaining the “sibling” from abroad.
• To request an application, email SEE Chair Michael Frazier at michaelfrazier@earthlink.net. Completed applications are due no later than November 15 before the summer of travel. An initial interview in your home will be followed by a District-level interview, usually by early December.
• Local Rotary Club volunteer sponsor responsibilities include program promotion, application review & approval, interviews at applicant’s home to confirm conformance to hosting requirements, general support to local family while hosting.
• For more information, including the application, send an email to Rotary District 7210 YEX SEE Chair Michael Frazier at michaelfrazier@earthlink.net